Title: Rapid and Instataneous Inductions
Presenters: Gabor Filo, Marcello Romei
Venue: Audytorium Maximum - Medium Hall A / Aula Średnia A
Time: 13.06.2024 16:00-17:30
Language: EN/PL
Participants will be introduced to various rapid and instantaneous hypnotic inductions which can be modified for any profession, in any context, but will be of greatest value to hands-on healthcare providers. They will acquire an understanding of the prerequisites and the mechanics through didactic presentation and small group practice.
EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: (Please enter 3 objectives)
The participant will be able to distinguish the methods, mechanisms and tecchniques of rapid inductions as compared to conventionally used inductions.
The participant will learn and practice several types of rapid inductions.
The participant will learn the clinical applications of rapid inductions.
Dr Gabor Filo has presented on hypnosis at many of the major North American dental conferences. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and an Honourary member of the Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis – Ontario Division and the Hungarian Association of Hypnosis. He has authored a DVD on Rapid Hypnosis.