Title: Hypnotherapy Across Cultural Borders
Presenters: Naoki Watanabe, Shuiro Sango
Venue: the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków)
Room 133 / Sala 133
Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 4th pararell sesion- 13.06.2024 16:00-17:30
Language: EN
In Japan, there are two concepts that are relational: Humans experience their natural power and help of others as Tariki. They also experience the power of self-effort as Jiriki. Both powers are essential to wellbeing. Japanese are influenced by Western psychology practice and ways of thinking, too. In this regard, self ego can be strengthened to overcome the opposing factors. On the other hand, in our Eastern way, self-realization increases by identifying with nature, which assists in and avoid confrontation in order to reach the fusion.
In this paper, we propose that Tariki and JIriki can be balanced through hypnosis. The polish hypnotherapist Marta Nowak-Kulpa, uses the metaphor of river, which is very soothing for the traumatized person . A river flows and invites us to live along this power of nature, which is a basic principle of Morita Therapy. Morita wrote on living according to the "Obedience to Nature". "Fearing death, disliking discomfort, lamenting calamities, and complaining of that which one cannot control are all natural human responses and emotions. These are as natural as water flowing to a lower latitude"(Morita 1929).
Here, we would like to introduce our examples of hypnotherapy using imagination of natural power. The case presented is with consent of the patient. She is 25 years old and very sensitive woman; she suffered tragic events from domestic violence and likely did not have support to develop Tariki and Jiriki. In order to assist her calm, we used hypnosis and the river metaphor of Marta Nowak-Kulpa. We found that in the state of relaxation and the imagined flow of the river that she could build endurance and flow with the life forces; in this way her desire for death was seen as a natural response and she was able to return to life-enhancing desires and actions. We propose that Morita's understanding of the tension between life and death could be used in hypnotherapy effectively (though not exclusively) to quiet traumatic experience.