
Title: The saint thieves. Therapeutic role of the couple unconsciousness in a treatment of somatic diseases
Presenters: Lucyna Lipman, Katarzyna Szymańska
the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 

Room 208 / Sala 208

Time: 13.06.2024 16:00-17:30
Language: PL / EN


The workshop is based on the experience of work with couples that remain in a situation of somatic sickness of one member of the relationship.

Educational objectives:

  • to demonstrate hypnosis as a therapeutic tool in empowering the strength of bonds and ability of partners to support each other in a close relationship.
  • to practice hypnotic techniques allowing one to induct a self-healing process through utilization of resources stored in the field of the couple common unconsciousness.
  • to develop the ability to use metaphorical language as a way to exploit the resources of both partners.

The presenters will demonstrate live work with a couple, describe and discuss a case study and provide experience of working together, both therapists and patients, at a therapeutic session.