
Title: Synergetic Code: Unifying Guidelines for Team Harmony -  A hypnotic approach for teams and families
Presenters: Annette Fuerst
the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 

Room 234 / Sala 234

Time: 13.06.2024 16:00-17:30
Language: EN


Having worked with teams for more than 15 years now, I have experienced many times that some of the biggest obstacles working together are the different perceptions of goals and needs. We often speak of something like teamwork and if you then start asking different members of teams (or families) what the understand by teamwork, they have completely different ideas.

Goals and needs are often so different. This is true not only for teams in companies but also for families or sports teams. It often helps to have guidelines how to work together. Guidelines the whole group agrees on and guidelines that were developed in a process by team or family members themselves.

This workshop is all about such a process that first uses a hypnotic approach in the beginning to support the insights of each individual. What is really important for me? What do I need to feel safe and secure in the team to be able to bring in my potential? What are the most important steps we took to be such a great team?

The second part of the process takes place after the trance. Every group member presents his or her insights in bullet points. Together the group reduces the number of topics. The ones that crystallized out as the most important are then transformed in clear written guidelines that follow a certain formulation pattern.

The workshop will be illustrated by different examples from my work.

Learning objectives
- Synergetic Code – Hypnosis technique for the group trance
- Flowchart for the second part of the technique after the trance
- Formulation pattern

Annette Fuerst - Dipl-Psychologist & Management Training - Private clinic since 2006 - Hypnosis / Systemic Therapy / Solution Focused Therapie / Ego State Therapy / PEP / Mental Training / Leadership Training/ Teambuilding Workshops / Business Development Consulting