
Title: Spontaneous Unfolding Phenomena: Catalyst for Mind-Body Integration and a Bridge to Interdisciplinary Teamwork 
Presenters: Erika Chovanec, Karl Garnitschnig

the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 

Room 380 A/ Sala 308 A

Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 7th pararell sesion- 14.06.2024 12:30-14:00

Language: EN


In this brief presentation, the newly identified unfolding phenomena, such as unfolding movements and images, will be introduced, which can emerge in the context of hypnotherapy. Short videos from a psychotherapeutic practice are used to explain how the inner nature, as a holistic unity of mind and body, is nurtured through intuitive consciousness, promoting so-called unfolding movements, images, and thoughts as an expression of internal organization and reorganization, emphasizing responsiveness. By combining hypnotherapy and mindfulness, a sequence of spontaneous movements emerges that illustrates the phylogenetically driven order of these spontaneous phenomena, promoted and expanded by a uniquely human and innovative nature.

Spontaneous unfolding phenomena, as presented here, put forward a model of phenotypic unfolding. This model explains and explores how movements, images, and thoughts, as observable traits (phenotypes), are organized, and how they can be restructured and altered at a motor, sensory, and psychological level through combination of hypnotherapy and mindfullness. The presentation begins by introducing the macro-structure of this model, categorizing the unfolding process into sets and subunits as examples of spontaneous phenomena. It then examines the micro-structure to clarify functionality, including unfolding schemas and instruments.

This brief speech draws from various sources, including Rossi's creative psychosocial genomic healing experience, Lorenz's behavioral biology, Garnitschnig's holistic theory of psychic operations, Chovanec's research on human needs, and case studies derived from hypnotherapy practice. In addition to their applications in psychotherapy, these concepts also find relevance in psychiatry and neurology. The proposition is that when these phenomena and the associated neurological regulations remain unexpressed, they may serve as the basis for psychiatric and neurological diagnoses, manifesting as individualized pathologies. Additionally, they hold the potential to contribute to future research in human ethology, evolutionary biology, and offer valuable insights for neuroscientists. Collaborating on research to investigate these phenomena fully is a step toward closing the gap between different areas of study and connecting hypnotherapists/psychotherapists with research from other fields.




Erika Chovanec, a certified psychotherapist and the founder of the Growth & Unfolding Motivation Center, has thirteen years of experience in psychotherapy, including eight years of experience in observing the spontaneous unfolding phenomena. She has collaborated with Dr. Ernest Rossi and presented at various international hypnotherapy conferences.

Prof. Karl Garnitschnig supervises doctoral students in psychotherapy/psychology at Sigmund Freud Private University. Previously, he held the position of a university professor at the Institute of Education Sciences at the University of Vienna. He has conducted mindfulness seminars and works as a psychotherapist in private practice.