Title: Making hypnosis more effective in treating chronic pain
Presenters: Jose Cava
the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków)
Room 380 B/ Sala 380 B
Time: 14.06.2024 16:00-17:30
Language: EN
Chronic pain patients usually have some peculiarities that, if not adequately addressed, can compromise the success of the therapy with hypnosis. These patients typically have suffered their condition for a long time before they reach for hypnosis. They have undergone several unsuccessful medical treatments which have promoted feelings of hopelessness and negative expectations.
The majority of people, tend to consider chronic pain as similar as short term pain and therefore they think for a chronic pain treatment to be effective it should be medical and have immediate results, as usually analgesics do. But chronic or persistent pain is different from short-term pain. When the pain lasts for more than a few weeks, changes begin to occur in the central nervous system, at the spinal cord and brain level, that contribute to the persistence and intensification of the pain, even with no tissue or neurological damage. This is called central sensibilization and can be reversed back to normal but it normally does not do it by itself and it takes some time, usually several months, to go back to normal.
Chronic pain patients are looking forward to finding something that helps them, something different, like hypnosis perhaps. The pressure is high and the risk of failure too, so it is key to manage the therapeutic process, in and out of hypnosis, in a way that really helps your patients.
Any professional who has some experience in treating chronic pain patients knows that the results are highly variable. To increase the effectiveness in the treatment of chronic pain when hypnosis is used is the goal of this workshop, in which we will review various strategies and techniques, both in and out of hypnosis to achieve it.
1. Identify various key factors in the treatment of chronic pain.
2. Learn some strategies and techniques to increase the effectiveness of the treatment of chronic pain.
Psychologist, MA. Psychotherapist in private practice. Telecommunication Engineer, MsC. President of Spanish Association of Ericksonian Hypnosis (AEHE), Former Codirector and trainer of Institute Erickson Madrid. Presenter in ESH, ISH, Milton H. Erickson Foundation Congresses and others from 2008. Translator and reviewer from English into Spanish of books and journals (Ericksonian Terminology Glossary, Trancework, The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy, Therapeutic Hypnosis and Rehabilitation, Hope & Resiliency, ESH Newsletter). Professional Memberships and Associations: ISH, ESH, AEHE.