Title: Hypnosis for surgery, invasive procedures and dentistry
Presenters: Enrico Facco, Cristina Modesti, Marco Scaglione
Venue: Audytorium Maximum - Medium Hall B / Aula Średnia B
Time: 14.06.2024 10:30-12:00
Language: EN/PL
Hypnosis is an introspective mind activity characterized by focused attention, absorption, dissociation and plastic imagination. In the early 19th century, several hundred surgical interventions were described with hypnosis as the sole anesthetic. Then hypnosis was prejudicially buried to oblivion following the introduction of anesthetic drugs.
In the past two decades, an increasing number of studies on hypnosis has shown its capacity to modify the activity of the prefrontal cortex, default mode network and pain neuromatrix and increase pain threshold up to the level of surgical anesthesia. Hypnotic analgesia may also modulate neurovegetative activity in real time and prevent pain-related cardiovascular response, providing an effective patient’s protection from surgical stress.
Different hypnotic suggestions may be delivered to yield relaxation, absorption, hypnotic focused analgesia and detachment from both the operating theater and the surgical field.
The results of randomized controlled trials available in the literature provides a clear evidence of its significant effects on perioperative emotional distress, pain, medication consumption, physiological parameters, duration of surgery and outcome. Hypnosis may be used as sole anesthetic in surgery and invasive maneuvers and may be superior to pharmacological anesthesia in selected patients. It may be also used as an adjuvant technique to be associated in loco-regional anesthesia, pharmacological sedation and general anesthesia.
Hypnosis, unlike any other therapeutic tools, does not call for drugs or equipment, is always available, has no costs and is not burdened with proved adverse events, when administered by competent professionals. Therefore, it can help improving both the overall quality of care and the cost/benefit ratio. Its use should become an essential component of professionalism of anesthetists, surgeons, interventional cardiologists and dentists, well as all phsycians providing invasive interventions.
Enrico Facco - Senior scientist at the Dept. of Neurosciences, University of Padova (Italy). Teacher, Franco Granone Institute -Italian Center of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis, Turin (Italy). Professor of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Specialist in Neurology, Clinical Hypnologist. Has published over 250 studies on consciousness, hypnosis, altered states of consciousness, coma, brain death, pain, and traditional Chinese medicine. ORCID: 0000-0001-8780-3620