
Title: Living with and beyond cancer: the role of hypnosis
Presenters: Giuseppe de Benedittis
Venue: Audytorium Maximum  - Seminar Room / Sala Seminaryjna
Time: 14.06.2024 -10:30-12:00
Language: EN


Hypnosis plays a valuable role as a "stand-alone" palliative therapy in the treatment not only of cancer pain, but also of the numerous problems related to cancer and its treatments. Furthermore hypnosis can effectively modulate cancer onset and progression, as well as the survival rate. Living with and beyond cancer is possible and a group demonstration aimed at modulating cancer progression in virtual patients will conclude the workshop.

1. The role of hypnosis in psycho-oncology
2. Relieving cancer pain and treatment-related pain
3. Modulating onset and progression of cancer by means oh hypnosis


Giuseppe De Benedittis is Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Milan. He founded and directed the Interdepartmental
Center for the Study and Treatment of Pain at the University of Milan. He is internationally recognized as one of the leading experts in pain therapy,
in particular in the field of headaches, oro-facial pain, pain in the spine , neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, and cancer pain. Professor De Benedittis
has also been a recognized pioneer in the clinical and experimental use of hypnosis for pain control. He is Vice President of the Italian Society of
Hypnosis and a Member of the Board of the International Society of Hypnosis. He received the Ernest R. Hilgard Award for Scientific Excellence from the International Society for Hypnosis in 2009.