
Title: Milton H Erickson's main contributions to hypnosis
Presenters: Abraham Hernandez
Didactic centre of the Faculty of Law and Administration (Krupnicza 33A)     
Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Krupnicza 33A)    

Room 109 / Sala 109
Time: 14.06.2024 -10:30-12:00

Language: EN


Erickson was known by the efficiency of his treatments and how he was able to quickly treat difficult patients. He used different strategies and techniques with a unique style. However, he did not create a systematization of his strategies.

Since I met Erickson's work I was fascinated and at the same time confused. It was as though his disciples saw his work in the way the six blind men tried to understand an elephant; describing the part they were touching, not realizing that the whole was so much more than the function of each part. And starting from this point, I wanted to discover for myself more of the nature of the complete elephant. The result has been fascinating, an arduous work of years interviewing the experts around the world. Now in this course I want to share the summary of these elemental principles. It is humbly just an attempt to identify the interlinking strategies of the great master of psychotherapy and hypnosis, Milton H. Erickson.

In this course you will learn the main contributions of Erickson to Hypnosis according to views from some of his main supporters, hypnosis specialist and Ericksonian colleagues around the world1, all of them great personalities in the world of Ericksonian hypnosis and psychotherapy, many authors and creators of new approaches. In total, the opinion of more than 51 authors from 14 countries and 4 continents were gathered.

Some of them:
Ernest Rossi (USA), Michael D. Yapko (USA), Ronald A. Havens (USA), Jeffrey Zeig (USA), Dan Short (USA), Eric Greenleaf (USA), Bill O'Hanlon (USA), Roxanna Erickson Klein (USA), Alexander Simpkins (USA), Annellen Simpkins (USA), Mark Jensen (USA), Bernhard Trenkle (Germany), Ben Furman ( Finland), Camilo Loriedo (Italy).

Abraham has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. graduating with honors. He is founder of the human growth center of the eleven Ericksonian principles Hipnocova®️, author of the book: “Secrets of successful psychotherapy by Milton H. Erickson” with a Foreword by Roxanna Erickson International speaker and has presented his model of the eleven principles of Ericksonian therapy (Lectures, workshops, etc.) in three continents of the world and twelve countries: America, Europe, Asia . He considered one of the world leaders in the field of Ericksonian therapy