
Title: Hypnosis, self-hypnosis, alert hypnosis, neutral hypnosis, spontaneous hypnosis and clinical vs developmental hypnosis.
Presenters: Lars-Eric Unestahl
the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 
Room 380 B / Sala 380 B

Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 6th pararell sesion- 14.06.2024 10:30-12:00

Language: EN


Hypnosis as ASC could more preferably be translated as an Alternative State of Consciousness (instead of Altered) with similarities to other ASC like, Sleep, Dream and “Flow”. In flow for instance there are an altered Control system, perceptual changes and even some times amnesia, similar to hypnosis. 

Criteria of “Neutral Hypnosis” has been difficult to establish as physiological and subjective measures reflects more the contents than the state in itself. One experiment, in which all subjective experiences of the differences between hypnosis and waking were removed, showed the increased suggestibility as the only difference.Another experiment in which one person stayed in hypnosis for one week showed increased suggestibility and amnesia for the whole week after awakening, as the only difference.

However, in another investigation it has been possible to show two neurophysiological criteria of neutral hypnosis, one showing the same base EEG in all 4 brain quadrants-the holistic brain- and Golden section number (1.6) in the ratio between the various EEG states (the harmonious brain).

Alert Hypnosis or Eyes-Open Sport Hypnosis is defined by mental training procedures based on three techniques in combination: eyes-open hypnosis, traditional eyes-closed hypnosis and Self-hypnosis. The self-hypnotic state (SH) is operationally defined as the imagined “inner mental room”. The main purpose of SH is to produce the Sport Hypnotic State (SHS), or the flow state, a form of alert hypnosis. Another purpose of SHS is to allow a user to initiate and release specific post-hypnotic effects. These effects are designed to enhance the user´s performance and well-being. The SHS can be induced through rhythmic athletic activities and by post-hypnotic signals (triggers).                                                                       Performance in SHS happens in a flow state, which increases results, despite decreased effort (relaxed effectiveness) as shown by many of my olympic athletes.

After introducing Hypnosis in Sweden and starting the Swedish Society 1965 and the first ISH congress 1973 in Uppsala, I was teaching clinical hypnosis to thousands of psychologists, dentists and medical doctors during more than 20 years.  The restriction of teaching hypnosis only to these target groups is natural as the important is not to help people into hypnosis but to know how to use hypnosis for clinical purposes, which requires being an expert in a specific clinical area.

However another important area is to use hypnosis for developmental purposes (Sport, Performing Arts or Personal development in general).            I have therefore proposed a complementary area to clinical hypnosis called “Developmental hypnosis” where Hypnosis is an important tool to use for experts in Developmental techniques while Self-Hypnosis is used for Self-administrated Developmental Practices.