
Title: Hypno anesthesia : myth & reality
Presenters: Brice Lemaire
Venue: Audytorium Maximum  - Small Hall / Aula Mała
Time: 13.06.2024 12:30-14:00
Language: EN

Hypno anesthesia is certainly one of the most impressive applications of hypnosis in the medical field. It requires from the operator and from the patient a complete confidence in the use of Hypnosis. Since 20 years, we have performed and filmed in our private practice more than 2000 orofacial surgeries with hypno anesthesia. This workshop will cover all the aspects of the use of hypnosis in surgery and introduce many techniques in operative hypnosis (pain management, deep tance, hypnotic phenomena, etc..) in order to produce hypno anesthesia

Brice Lemaire - Phd in Dental Surgery, Creator of the Postgraduate Dental Hypnosis at the Dental University of Nice (France), President of the Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute France, President of the French Society of Dental Hypnosis