
Title: Metaphors and language in conversational hypnosis Linguistic mechanisms in Ericksonian Psychotherapy to obtain metaphorical content and how to use them during Conversational hypnosis
Presenters: Teresa Garcia-Sanchez, Julio Juanes Rubert
Didactic centre of the Faculty of Law and Administration (Krupnicza 33A)     
Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Krupnicza 33A) 
Room 12 / Sala 12

Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 3 pararell sesion- 13.06.2024 12:30-14:00

Language: EN


Dr. Erickson and his ability to produce trance states during his conversations with his patients is well known. The use of metaphors, language patterns and different techniques (seeding techniques, utilization...) facilitates obtaining very revealing moments of insight for the patient that contribute great richness to the intervention.
During this workshop we will see why it is important to use metaphors in a hypnotic conversation and how a subtle use of language facilitates achieving conversational hypnosis.

- Why is the use of metaphors important in a hypnotic conversation?
- What relationship exists between obtaining the hypnotic response and the use of
language patterns during the conversational intervention?

Educational outcomes:
- Learn the use of metaphors during the conversational hypnotic intervention.
- Understand the use of language patterns to achieve revealing insights.

TERESA GARCIA-SANCHEZ, MA, is the Instituto Erickson Madrid Founder and Director since 2000. She created a 4-year Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis Master and presents in more than 20 different counties workshops, trainings, and conferences in Hospitals, Universities and Congresses (EAP, ESH, ISH, ASCH, CFBH). She published an adaptation in Spanish of Hope& Resiliency being co-author with Dan Short, Betty
Erickson and Roxanna Erickson Klein.

Julio Juanes Rubert, MA, Director of Instituto Erickson Madrid where he also teaches several classes during the 2-year Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis Master (Conversational hypnosis, history of hypnosis, depression treatment, advanced Ericksonian techniques, Ericksonian linguistics). His academic background includes graduate in psychology, graduate in Chemistry and Food Science, Master in Psychotherapy and Ericksonian Hypnosis. He is specialised in Conversational hypnosis and linguistics and has presented in congresses like 2019 Ericksonian Congress
(Phoenix, Arizona, US) among others.