
Title: Systematic and long-term self-hypnotic training to 2.5 million Swedes
Presenters: Lars-Erik Unestahl    
the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 
Room 04 / Sala 04
Time: 13.06.2024 12:30-14:00

Language: EN


The Mental Training which started 1969 in Sweden and since then has been spread to many other countries in the world, consists of three parts: Basic Mental Training, Mental Training and Mental Preparation for future events. The basic Mental Training consists mainly of a systematic daily training in Self-hypnosis during 5-7 weeks, followed by Self-hypnotic applications in Self-Leadership, Personal development and problemsolving areas. The third part, Self-hypnotic preparation for future events have been specially used by the Swedish defence and Police academies.
The training has been spread by online courses and programs and various applications has been distributed through organizations in areas like Schools, Sport, Performing Arts, Business, etc. Health related programs have been distributed through the pharmacies.
The effects of the training have been documented during over 50 years in dissertations, Reports at Uppsala and Orebro university and in various journals, also in peer review journals. Among the later can be mentioned one which showed that 6 months use of daily self-hypnosis reduced the biological age with in average 7 years.
The workshop will give example of many applications in areas like Sport (5 Olympics), Performing Arts (Music, Singing, Dancing), Business (Stress Management increase of Recovery, Resilience, Self-Leadership), Personal development (Self-esteem, Self-Compassion, Self-confidence, Goalsetting, Goal-Images, Goal-programming, Attitude change (Optimism, Mental toughness training), Skill development (Concentration, Creativity) Inner success (Satisfaction, Happiness, Wellbeing), Health (Chronic pain, Tinnitus) etc.
As the subject is to wide to cover in a short workshop it will be possible to direct the workshop content to areas of specific interest for the workshop participants.

Professor Lars-Erik Unestahl, President of Scandinavian International University, Orebro, Sweden